The Gyro sanitary lift pump stations in the City of Kelowna, British Columbia were plagued by persistent clogging issues. Like…
The Vaughan Chopper Pump effectively removed a 4' mat of grease and debris, resulting in a rapid return on investment…
49% overall improved efficiency with Vaughan Rotamix Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD) in California installed a Vaughan Rotamix® hydraulic mixing system next…
In the age of ‘new sewage’, so-called flushable wipes, grease, and other troublesome materials can cause substantial issues for standard…
Vaughan Company has announced a partnership with AJAC (Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee) and the Elma School District for an Automation…
Our Industry Person of the Week is Joe Collins. Joe is the Senior Mechanical Engineer at Vaughan Chopper Pumps. Q: How…
The Vaughan Conditioning Pump™ is a Vaughan Submersible Chopper Pump mounted on a portable stand and fitted with high-velocity mixing…
Vaughan Case Study Aberdeen, WA WWTP Influent Pump Case Study Date: October 2017 The Previous Equipment: The Aberdeen WWTP main influent pumps were…
Versatile, Efficient, Reliable Vaughan Company, with over 50 years of solids handling experience, introduces the Triton® screw centrifugal pumps, combining the…
Background: The City of Burlington Wastewater Treatment Plant was upgraded in 2001 to include a new influent wet well with two…
Welcome to 50+ Years of Reliability The Vaughan Chopper Pump is a centrifugal pump with the unique ability of chopping all…