As I get ready to travel to Houston for ChemInnovations co-located with the Turbo and Pump Symposia, my first tradeshow as Publisher of, I recall my first customer visit.
This meeting was a direct result from a twitter conversation where I was direct messaged the contact information of Josh Crouch, Account Manager for Pump Pros in Chatom Alabama. Pump Pros is a distributor of pumps and pump parts. They also have the capability for remanufacturing, service, and repair. So, I decided to call and line up a tour of the recently opened Chatom facility.
After miles of wooded AL highways and a couple phone calls, I found Pump Pros. It looked like many parts shops I have been to in the past. But, I soon found that this Pump Pros facility was more than just a building where parts were stored.
The meeting began with a trip to the local diner where we discussed Pump Pros and Empowering Pumps while partaking in some good ol’ Fried Chicken! We wrapped things up with a piece of chocolate cake and headed out for a tour!
A plant tour is the best way I learn a company’s business. I enjoy seeing the process in action and of course taking pictures!
As I look around the shop, I see a few guys working and many pump parts.
Josh shows me each station and gives a brief explanation of the importance of each in their process. I’ve been on enough tours to know that if I ask enough questions, I’ll get to talk with one of the workers, which is exactly what happened next!
Josh explains, “When I am on the road, I have nothing to worry about. Wayne keeps the shop running smoothly.” This is when I was introduced to Wayne!
Wayne, a machinist with over 30 years experience, explained that Pump Pros purchase state of the art equipment which gives them the data needed to determine if the pump can be repaired or if it should be replaced.
The first machine we discussed was for Balancing.
I was pleased to see this piece of equipment. I have talked to Dawn Hines, President of Hines Industries, many times over the years, and I was pleased that I recognized the system.
Next, he showed me the machining station. I could tell it was dear to him. Keep in mind… 30+ years of machining experience. I was honored!
Wayne also discussed the importance of Alignment tools. Alignment companies have made many improvements to their products over these years. Once improvement is the actual size of the device. The tool they use for Alignment could easly fit in a briefcase.
I was then introduced to Anthony who demonstrated bead blasting. This machine is used to smooth and clean parts.
However, if the parts come in too dirty they can be cleaned through a heating using this machine.
So I learned is that behind every Pump Pro there is experience, state of the art equipment , engineering tools, and service with a smile. And just like life… It all starts with Balance!
If you would like more information about Pump Pros, Fluid Handling Specialists, visit