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Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualize

Charli's Blog
Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualize

Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualize

I am thrilled by the anticipation that a new year brings. Looking forward, our focus for the upcoming year is Connecting the Global Pump Industry, all under the overarching EPIC theme of “Envision Energy – Envision Your Future.” We aim to explore avenues that inspire the next generation and actively empower the current workforce with the necessary resources and connections to propel their careers and businesses forward.

Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualizeA recent reminder to “Remember My Why” has been significant. It prompted me to revisit my reason for saying yes to leadership. I hope I can encourage you to do the same. In moments of discouragement, often fueled by the industry’s pace or the seemingly insurmountable challenges we face, it becomes crucial to refocus on our objectives. By concentrating on our mission and aligning our efforts with purpose, we can navigate challenges and achieve what is required in any given season.
This year, our exploration extends to understanding the various ways energy is generated, both on a personal level and in the field. As we navigate the ongoing energy transition and its requirements, let’s cast our gaze toward the future. What do the jobs of tomorrow look like? Are you adequately prepared for the impending changes?

Envision: imagine as a future possibility; visualizeLooking ahead, our thoughts are particularly drawn to the EPIC leadership conference scheduled for November 12th and 13th at the Colorado School of Mines. This event promises to bring together the industry’s most talented leaders, providing a platform for growth in leadership and innovation.
In today’s landscape, building a resilient team capable of overcoming challenges requires effective communication and strong leadership. We are eager to share insights gained from our interactions within the pump industry through digital media and events. Your participation in these initiatives is not only encouraged but eagerly anticipated. I would love to hear from you and, hopefully, have the chance to feature you on our empowering Industry podcast.

Until then, Be Empowering!

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