Visit virtual booth to view WMFTG’s latest pump technology
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group (WMFTG) is featuring its Bredel line of heavy-duty sludge pumps and Qdos range of peristaltic chemical metering pumps in its virtual booth at WEFTEC ® 2020, the Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference. The virtual conference will be held October 5th-9th, 2020.
The Bredel heavy-duty sludge pumps on display are ideal for centrifuge and belt press feed. They feature only one wearing part – the hose – so there are no rotors, stators, or lobes to replace and no mechanical seals or packing to leak. Providing superior abrasive handling, Bredel pumps can handle flows to 475 gallons per minute (GPM) with suction lift to 30 feet, and they are dry running and reversible.
Also on display is the Qdos range of chemical metering pumps, ideal for disinfection, pH adjustment, and flocculation of drinking water, wastewater, and industrial process water. With accurate linear flow rates from 0.001 to 31.7 gallons per hour at 100 psi irrespective of fluid viscosity, Qdos pumps were specifically designed to reduce chemical metering costs compared to conventional solenoid or stepper-driven diaphragm metering pumps.
Bredel hose pumps and Qdos chemical metering pumps do not require high-cost ancillaries such as degassing valves or backpressure valves to operate, and both pump ranges provide long maintenance intervals, so lowering the total cost of ownership.
In addition, WMFTG’s industry-leading range of 530, 630, and 730 peristaltic pumps on display are now available with EtherNet/IP™ control. The availability of this increasingly popular, non-proprietary industrial network protocol provides pump users with access to fast, accurate performance data and seamless connectivity to modern PLC control systems and the IoT (Internet of Things).