Charli K. Matthews, CEO & Founder of Empowering Pumps & Equipment, hosts a live video chat with Sarah Stuart, Jacqueline Manders, and Nicole Lemon; all Research Engineers with the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). They discuss a range of topics such as carbon capture, clean water, and some of the ways they’re researching desalination and how to incorporate this with clean energy. They also share their perspective on how the institute is tackling sustainability from deep sea to deep space.
Southwest Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit, applied research and development organization. The staff numbers approximately 3,000 professionals specializing in the creation and transfer of technology in engineering and the physical sciences. Research volume for fiscal year 2021 was nearly $726 million. SwRI headquarters occupy more than 1,500 acres in San Antonio, Texas, and provide more than 2.3 million square feet of laboratories, test facilities, workshops, and offices.
Nicole Lemon is a Research Engineer in the Fluids Engineering Department at Southwest Research Institute. She provides her customers valuable data through full-scale testing in a variety of gas and liquid flow facilities. The data gathered in these experiments is used to characterize and validate equipment performance in simulated real-world conditions. She manages the SwRI validation testing programs for API 14A, 6AV1, and 19G2 and is active in the corresponding industry task groups to remain current on industry development and provide insight from a testing perspective. Nicole is passionate about using her technical expertise to help her customers solve difficult problems while also focusing on the “people” side by bringing together project teams and steering the direction of development in her focus area.
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