I recently had a chance to visit the Dynamatic facilities in Sturtevant, Wisconsin and see firsthand what has kept them at the top of the industry for over 80 years. They are an application engineering based manufacturer with a focus on variable speed drives (VSD) that offers an American made line of electromagnetic drives, brakes, and digital controls. I followed up with Anthony Anniballi, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, in order to learn more about what makes them stand out.
Q: How does Dynamatic give each customer what they want, even when they aren’t looking for the most energy efficient option?
A: Our experience allows us to offer solutions that are not just energy efficient. Simplicity and reliability are the key to Dynamatic’s products. Electromagnetic VSD’s eliminate drive system problems that pump OEM’s, civil, electrical and
mechanical engineers and most of all, plant staff have to contend with using most variable frequency drives, such as harmonics, frequent obsolescence, available space and induced shaft currents . Another of our advantages is that we are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We will dispatch service any time, day or night. We pride ourselves on the flexibility to serve our customers not according to the corporate rules or regulations, but rather by each individual customer needs.
Q: How important is “made in America?”
A: It is very important. We have had to make some small exceptions, our replacement motors under 200HP are made overseas to be price point competitive, however these motors are manufactured to the strict Dynamatic standards and quality controls we are famous for and all overseas
manufacturing is overseen by Dynamatic engineers, All electronics are manufactured domestically right here in Wisconsin and everything over 200 horsepower is manufactured in America. At one time, Dynamatic was the largest employer in the area, second only to a major automobile manufacturer, and that legacy is not forgotten, currently we directly employ 24 people and over 50 more through sub-
contracting. The only difficulty in manufacturing in America is the price of steel which we put every effort into controlling through an extensive inventory and forecasting program. Being “made in America” gives us the ability to support our products in the field, quickly and with the same manufacturing
standards that built our name.
Q: Why do Dynamatic employees stand out from others?
A: Dedication, pride and teamwork… Dynamatic employees will do whatever it takes to support our customers, from opening the doors on weekends and holidays to traveling anywhere anytime, the dedication to customers our employees consistently show, sets us apart, Our employees are truly a family. We take a lot of pride in the company history and name, as well as the quality of our products. The “family” environment is visible everywhere here at Dynamatic, right down to our break-room where someone is always bringing in “treats” to share . I can honestly say I have never seen this close knit environment in any other company.
Q: Can you tell us about your infamous product archives?
A: I certainly can. Our archives are the foundation of our ability to service and support any Dynamatic product in the field, our business dates back to 1931, and we have maintained all the records from that era through to today’s latest revisions. We have every document and drawing on hand in the facility, and they are invaluable in supporting our long standing customers, given that our products last about six times longer than the competition. In short, this means that we still can supply new parts and repair existing products that are 60 years old or even older.
We have a saying in our facility: “Obsolete is a bad word.”
Q: Are there any new products you’re looking forward to?
A: Dynamatic is not the type of company that constantly releases “new” products, We do have digital controls that can upgrade any manufacturers eddy current analog controls and are the electronics we supply when supplying new VSD’s, the “drop in” upgrade control modernizes electronics originally installed on variable speed pumps as far back as the sixties or seventies, of course this “new” control was first introduced in 2004. Our focus is offering products that have been field proven and are tried and true rather than putting out something new as fast as possible. It’s our belief that the reliability of solid design and quality products is a better fit in the long run.
Q: Is there anything in the industry you would like to see done?
A: I’d like to see the “Made in America” incentives restored, perhaps by offering reduced rate infrastructure funding for domestically manufactured goods and services that are all or part of a pump project, say your pump and drive are Made in America, and you use American contractors, perhaps federal lending rates could be reduced for the percentage of the total project that is Domestically manufactured, the way I see it, America led the world in manufacturing and technology, and our company is just one example that good old American know how still exists.
To learn more about Dynamatic visit their site or read their blog.