The Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) has released the results of its 2021 WWEMA Member Market Indicators Survey. The survey tracks the business activity or anticipated activity of manufacturers and their representatives within the water and wastewater market for two annual periods, in the following eight business areas:
- Design Work
- Quotations
- Bookings/Orders
- Domestic Sales
- International Sales
- Company Employment
- Materials Costs
- Industry Market Growth
The results of the survey showed the outlook for the water and wastewater industry remains strong with generally positive across-the-board expectations. Despite the challenging economic conditions posed by the Coronavirus pandemic, the survey confirmed widespread positive domestic sales growth with approximately 85 percent of respondents indicating positive growth for the period of September 2020 – August 2021. The data also showed solid sales growth with one-third of respondents indicating growth of five percent. The domestic sales outlook for the next one-year analysis period (September 2021 – August 2022) are overall equally positive. Not surprisingly with supply chain and labor challenges, all companies in the survey reported material costs increases with over half reporting costs rising 10 percent. Only 11 percent of companies reported a decline in their booking/orders for the September 2020 – August 2021 period with approximately three-quarters of respondents reporting growth in the 5-10 percent range. It’s important to note that the survey data were collected at the end of the third quarter in 2021 before the discovery of the Omnicron Covid-19 variant and before the expansive new Buy America requirements of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 became law.
The full detailed report for each market indicator with specific growth rates for the current and future evaluation timeframes, as well as differences between data reported by manufacturers and manufacturers’ representatives and a comparison with the prior year’s survey is available exclusively for WWEMA members.
Since 1908, WWEMA has informed, educated, and provided leadership on the issues that shape the future of the water and wastewater industry. Its member companies supply the most sophisticated leading-edge products and technologies, offering solutions to every water-related environmental problem and need facing today’s society. To learn more about WWEMA, visit or follow us on LinkedIn at or Twitter @ WWEMAtweets.