Where is my “To-Do” List? This is a question I ask myself daily. After which I find out that have several started, none finished list… The are usually separated Mommy, Work, Wife, Sister, Friend… If you are like me, I find it hard to prioritize these lists?
Most days I get these all out of order and couldn’t tell you what was actually first on the list, because I lost it. But I think it is important to have these list… Why? So I can see what I really planned to do… What I really would like to do if given the time…
Have you made a personal and a professional list? A selfish and an unselfish list?
I think it is very important to look at these from time to time so you will be able to remember your goals when opportunties arise.
For example, I have a “Travel-List”. Places that I really want to see at some point in my life. I keep these in mind and when an opportunity presents itself I make the extra effort to make them happen. Earlier this week, I was in MA for a Social Media Presentation (which I loved). I have been there several times, but I have never been to Maine which was on my travel-list. So, I took an extra day and planned to drive up the coast to visit. I knew this was my plan, so when a client mentioned they would be in Maine as well, I told them I would come visit! The extra treat was that the client was a sailor with a very impressive sailboat. (sailing is also on one of my “must do” lists) So, I was able to accomplish several things on my lists because I have set goals and remind myself of them regularly.
I tell you this story so you will make a point to plan a little fun while you are managing your overwhelming “to-do” lists… Sometimes we need to just write FUN on the list so we remember how important it is!