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SME THRIVE 2019 Conference “Don’t Just Survive – THRIVE”

Industry News

SME THRIVE 2019 Conference “Don’t Just Survive – THRIVE”

Contributor: The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME)

The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) is pleased to announce its second annual THRIVE conference will be held October 2-3, 2019 at the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, Vail, CO. With the theme “Research to Practice: Applied Technical Advances in the Hardrock Mining Industry,” the THRIVE 2019 Conference will offer attendees a unique opportunity to gain insights from subject matter experts about a host of innovative, cutting-edge technologies that are changing the paradigm in how mineral resources are found, mined and processed.

While the conference is oriented towards metal/nonmetal mining, these technologies have direct relevance to other sectors in the mining industry, including coal, industrial minerals and aggregates, as well as underground construction and tunneling. Speakers will explore technologies that not only have successfully advanced from the lab to an industrial application, but have shown exceptional promise in terms of safety, economics or the ability to overcome various operational challenges.

Sessions include:

*High Tech Management of Tailings Storage Facilities
*Innovations in Narrow Vein Mining
*Advances in Autonomy
*New Innovations in Mineral Processing & Comminution
*New Technologies and Approaches towards Exploration
*Innovations in Safety Research & Technology
For more information on THRIVE 2019 visit

SME is a professional society (nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation) whose members represent all professions serving the mining, minerals and underground construction industries in more than 100 countries. SME members include engineers, geologists, metallurgists, educators, students and researchers. SME advances the worldwide minerals community through information exchange and professional development.

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