The application period for the 2015 -‘16 Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. (SME) Congressional Fellowship program runs December 1-31, 2014. SME is pleased to be offering a seasoned mining expert the chance to apply his or her industry knowledge to positively affect change in the laws that govern the U.S. mining and minerals industry in Washington, D.C. The second SME Mining Engineering Congressional Fellow will be placed on the staff of a member of Congress or a congressional committee during the 2015 -‘16 legislative session. The purpose of this mining-specific Fellowship is to provide an opportunity to make practical contributions to the development of environmental, natural resources, science and public policy issues.
The first SME Congressional Fellow, Dr. Joshua Hoffman, P.E., began working as a mining resource adviser to the staff of the House Committee on Natural Resources’ Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources on October 1, 2014. His responsibilities involve conducting legislative and oversight work, assisting in congressional hearings and debates, preparing briefs, conducting research and writing speeches.
Applicants must be a member of SME at the time the Fellowship term begins and have either a Doctorate in geology, mining, metallurgical engineering or mineral processing, or a Master’s degree in mining or metallurgical engineering with at least three years of professional experience. Federal employees are not eligible for the fellowship. If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact John Hayden, Deputy Executive Director – Public Affairs and Government Relations, 303-948-4250,, or Jackie Dorr at
For more information on SME’s Congressional Fellowship Program, visit