The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) announced today that MINEXCHANGE 2021, the SME Annual Conference & Expo, and CMA 123rd National Western Mining Conference, will move to a fully virtual format March 1-5, 2021.
Mining’s most anticipated technical conference will bring fresh perspectives from around the world on a range of hot topics including COVID recovery, critical minerals, tailings management, and water issues, connecting with attendees directly at their home, office, or job site.
“Unique circumstances require some bold decisions to ensure the mining and minerals community continues to exchange important technical information critical to driving innovation, environmental sustainability, and industry growth,” said David L. Kanagy, SME Executive Director. “A virtual conference provides a platform to continue to share the technical programing SME is known for, as well as connecting with colleagues. We look forward to returning to an in-person event in 2022.”
Over the course of the week, conference attendees can attend:
- daily keynote sessions,
- a robust offering of technical sessions,
- short courses,
- an interactive trade show,
- a virtual bookstore,
- and fresh networking opportunities to connect with colleagues who see one another at this meeting.
Attendees will receive PDH credits, conference preprint proceedings, and access to recorded content.
“While current state and federal guidelines indicate a virtual conference is the best course of action, our primary priority is to mitigate any potential risk to the health and safety of our colleagues,” said Kanagy.
Registration for MINEXCHANGE opens November 2020. Find emerging details at
The Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) brings together the mining and mineral industry’s brightest and most dedicated professionals. Over 13,000 global members advance their careers with the world-class technical resources, educational programs, networking opportunities and professional development tools from SME. Our members are focused on sharing best practices for safety, environmental stewardship and moving mining forward.