Water quality impacts energy efficiency, biosecurity, equipment life, downtime and water conservation. In essence, water productivity is a factor in your bottom line. Magnation’s water technology products solve problematic hard water and water quality issues sustainably. Our revolutionary solution is a passive, inline unit requiring one simple installation. No further costs associated with scale mitigation, no chemicals, no electricity, no consumables, no maintenance. Let’s take a look at each!
Scale Mitigation
The problem of hard water is very real, with its impacts felt throughout any industrial application. Chemical-based descaling efforts add costs while producing unwanted health and environmental effects. The inefficiency of some chemicals requires even greater amounts to dissolve scales effectively. Acids, chemical inhibitors, and chelating agents create large amounts of scale waste material that pollutes groundwater. The toxicity of the solvents used for scale control and the waste created through the process requires safe work procedures and well-maintained control measures.
Apply Physics Rather Than Chemicals
Powerful alternatives to chemical-based descalers exist. In contrast to relying on salts and chemicals, Magnation’s passive inline water solutions decrease the impact on the environment through physical water conditioning. Magnation’s systems address critical water issues with an innovative scale reduction, scale removal, and scale prevention strategy.
Physical water conditioning uses physics to change the crystal structure of the molecules that create scale. Changing the molecular characteristics removes properties that allow scale-causing minerals to drop out and adhere to other surfaces. Magnation water solutions break the large scale-producing molecules into microscopic particles. Because the inactive, suspended particles flow freely, turbulence pushes minerals through the system — without the use of chemicals.
Reduce the Dangers of Biofilm
Biofilm and bacteria plague cooling towers, evaporative condensers, piping, and hot water systems with foul odors and the risk of infectious diseases. Magnation water solutions alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the water to reduce the potential for microorganisms attaching to surfaces and forming biofilm. Rather than dosing industrial systems with biocides, scale and corrosion inhibitors, or dispersants — which can increase the risk of bacterial resistance and harm to the environment —Magnation systems use generated magnetic fields and fluid dynamics to dissolve and flush the minerals in the bulk fluid flow.
Improve Flow and Conserve Energy
The high viscosity of hard water produces friction that leads to greater wear and tear on equipment and higher energy costs. Magnation water descaling units produce energy savings of up to 40% by reducing viscosity and friction. Pumps perform better, require less maintenance, and have longer service life spans. Reducing friction with less surface tension also improves the heat transfer in cooling systems, decreases downtime, and cuts energy requirements.
Reduce Chemicals with Less Surface Tension
Maximize chemical investments with improved solubility including water-based chemicals, disinfectants, mold preventatives and sanitizers. Improve biosecurity, decontamination, industrial coating, scale and corrosion control and worker safety.
Magnation’s maintenance-free water scale removal technologies help oil and gas production units, agricultural applications, manufacturing and processing facilities, mining operations, and other industries save water, reduce chemical use, conserve energy, and decrease costs. Reach out, today, to learn more about our technology products!