“The scientist discovers a new type of material or energy and the engineer discovers a new use for it.”~Gordon Lindsay Glegg, British engineer and author
Inpro/Seal® LLC. is celebrating Engineers Week (Feb 18-24, 2018) by allowing Empowering Pumps to shine a light on one of their most talented engineering professionals! We had the great honor of talking with Megan Heer, Key Account Manager with Inpro/Seal® LLC., a Waukesha Bearings Business, and this is what she had to share:
Q. How did you decide to become an engineer? What inspired you?
Megan: While I was in high school, it was time for me to make a decision on college. I had always enjoyed studying how things worked and ways to improve them – constructing a stronger LEGO building as a child and a faster mouse trap car in physics class. My dad suggested looking into an engineering major. He is one of the most successful “self-taught” engineers – a farmer. I suppose my desire to engineer things was inspired by my dad; through watching and helping him on the farm.
Q. What do you love most about being an engineer?
Megan: My favorite aspect of being an engineer is problem solving. Engineering disciplines teach a person how to systemically approach an issue in order to find resolution. The ability to problem solve goes much further than calculations and computer work. This skill can be applied to many others areas of work as well as everyday life. It is very rewarding for me to solve an ongoing problem and provide an acceptable outcome.
Q. What advice would you give to the next generation of engineers?
Megan: Engineering is a highly recognized discipline with very few boundaries. A person can remain in an engineering role throughout their career or they can span out to many other areas within a company. With such a broad reach of various roles in an organization, there are always opportunities for skilled engineers. It is quite common for executive leaders to start their career with an engineering foundation and then extend into manufacturing, commercial or leadership roles. As cliché as it sounds, the sky is really the limit!
On behalf of the entire Empowering Brands’ team, THANK YOU for your contributions to the Pump Industry! We look forward to keeping in touch with you over the course of your career!