Our Industry Person of the Week is Marcelo Schader, Mechanical Engineer.
Q: How did you get started working in your field?
Marcelo: I started taking a professional course in General Mechanics, then working, I took a technical course and finally moved on to Mechanical Engineering.
Q: What do you love the most about your job? What are you most proud of?
Marcelo: The challenge of contributing to transform reality, reaching new levels of excellence.
Q: What advice would you give to someone considering this line of work or new to the field?
Marcelo: Qualify, be prepared for the worst case scenario, and stay focused on the goal.
Q: Can you talk about a project you recently worked on?
Marcelo: Just taking care of equipment from an old platform. We’ve fixed some procedural issues even on high-capacity pumps.
Q: Anything else you would like to add?
Marcelo: Prepared and available for challenges
Connect with Marcelo on LinkedIn.