Hydraulic Institute (HI) has introduced CD-ROM Version 3.0, its latest offering of ANSI/HI Standards presented in a CD format. An update of an earlier CD offering, the new release is “state of the art” complete and contains a full set of all 30 current Standards on one convenient-to-use and easily portable CD-ROM. The cost is $1100 and represents a savings of more than $1,700 over purchasing Standards individually. Orders for the new CD are now being expedited via the HI eStore at estore.Pumps.org/CD3-0.
Included in Version 3.0’s set of 30 Standards are twelve recent Standard updates:
- Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Operation, and Maintenance (ANSI/HI 1.4)
- Rotary Pump Tests (ANSI/HI 3.6)
- Sealless, Mechanically Driven Rotary Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation (ANSI/HI 4.1-4.6)
- Sealless Rotodynamic Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation, and Test (ANSI/HI 5.1-5.6)
- Rotodynamic Pumps for Assessment of Applied Nozzle Loads (ANSI/HI 9.6.2)
- Effects of Liquid Viscosity on Rotodynamic (Centrifugal & Vertical) Pump Performance (ANSI/HI 9.6.7)
- Air-Operated Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application and Operation (ANSI/HI 10.1-10.5)
- Air-Operated Pump Tests (ANSI/HI 10.6)
- Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Slurry Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation (ANSI/HI 12.1-12.6)
- Rotodynamic Pumps for Hydraulic Performance Acceptance Tests (ANSI/HI 14.6)
- Rotodynamic (Centrifugal & Vertical) Pump Efficiency Prediction (ANSI/HI 20.3)
- Electronic Data Exchange for Pumping Equipment (HI 50.7)
According to Gregg Romanyshyn, the Hydraulic Institute’s Technical Director, “The new CD represents a tremendous convenience, in addition to being a great value! Users can gain immediate access to over 1,600 pages of the most current Standards simply by pointing and clicking . . . and do so whenever or wherever access to Standards is needed— in the office or in the field.”
Features of Version 3.0 include: searchable PDF files, hypertext links from indexes to each Standard/Section/Page, bookmarks, and annotations. Printing and commenting are also enabled.
Current users of CD-ROM Version 2.2 can easily upgrade to Version 3.0; no additional software is required. However, users of CD-ROM Version 2.1 who did not previously upgrade to Version 2.2, will not be able to directly advance to Version 3.0 or apply future upgrades. Installation of CD-ROM Version 2.2 is a prerequisite for all upgrades. For a limited time, HI will continue to sell the 2.2 CD upgrade to assist Version 2.1 users. CD-ROM Version 3.0 upgrade is available via download now atestore.Pumps.org/upgrade3-0. The charge is $150.00. HI members enjoy a 25% discount. ContactPublications@Pumps.org for further information or assistance in ordering.
About the Hydraulic Institute: The Hydraulic Institute (HI) is the largest association of pump producers and suppliers to the pump industry in North America and a global authority on pumps and pumping systems. Its mission is to serve as a forum for the exchange of industry information, while providing value-added services to member companies and pump users worldwide. This includes the development and delivery of comprehensive industry Standards, as well as the expansion of knowledge that effectively advances the application, testing, installation, operation and maintenance of pumps and pumping systems.
For more information about the Hydraulic Institute, visit www.Pumps.org, www.PumpLearning.organd www.PumpSystemsMatter.org, an organization created by HI to assist pump users address strategic energy management and pump system performance and optimization.