Restrained universal rubber expansion joints are primarily designed to absorb lateral movements while restraining any pressure thrust forces. Axial thermal movements and their resulting stresses can be relieved by positioning the universal joint on perpendicular pipe runs. The restraint design allows the piping system to be designed with only intermediate anchors and far fewer guides. This can also be an effective solution when designing with space limitations or load limitations on the support structure and/or adjacent equipment. Restrained universal rubber expansion joints as manufactured by General Rubber will provide additional movement, such as axial, angular, lateral, and torsional, that may occur from external conditions. External conditions includes, but are not limited to ground settlement, wind and shock loading, as well as seismic events. The rubber expansion joints will have a cycle life in the tens of millions while effectively reducing noise and vibration, as well as compensate for pipe misalignment. Restrained universal rubber expansion joints, via removal, will provide access to piping and equipment providing a self-retracting design or an adjustable installed length is not required.