EEW Saarbrücken GmbH is a producer of energy from waste. Among the site’s operations is the separation of crystalline sodium chloride from its highly concentrated solution in the process water, before disposal. Here, a special centrifuge is used as a thickener to separate the solution from the abrasive salt slurry (density 2.16 kg/l), which is called brine or ‘solebrei’.
EEW had been using a progressive cavity pump to feed the centrifuge (flooded suction, 1 bar back pressure), for approximately 1.5 hours every 3-4 hours in a 24/7 operation. However, the abrasive nature of the brine demanded the repair of the progressive cavity pump stator or rotor every month, along with occasional replacement of the linings.
Not only did it take a minimum of four hours to perform the repairs (using expensive replacement consumables), but the pump also had to be removed from the process line.
EEW decided to try a trial of an APEX35 hose pump to test potential savings in pump maintenance costs. Not only was the APEX35 pump able to run without clogging when pumping abrasive brine at EEW, but downtime and the cost of replacement parts was reduced greatly.
Outstanding results
During the first six months of the APEX35 trial, the pump required no maintenance whatsoever. Additionally, as the only wear part in APEX pumps is the hose, this could be replaced quickly (20 minutes) and easily without removing it from the process line. Considering that a replacement stator alone for the progressive cavity pump is thought to cost around €1500, the projected payback period for the APEX35 hose pump is extremely short.
APEX hose pumps have no costly wearing components like seals, valves, membranes, stators, rotors or glands to maintain. Self-priming, dry running hose pump technology cuts lifetime cost of ownership.
- Trial sees APEX35 run longer than existing PC pump without maintenance
- Fewer parts to replace during maintenance operations, at much lower cost
- Maintenance routines far quicker
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