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Integrate a Conditioning Pump for Optimal Performance

Pumps & Operations

Integrate a Conditioning Pump for Optimal Performance

By: Vaughan

The Vaughan Chopper Pump effectively removed a 4′ mat of grease and debris, resulting in a rapid return on investment within just 2.5 months.

The Otay River Pump Station (ORPS), which pumps 7-9 MGD of raw sewage to the South Bay Water Reclaimation Facility for water recovery, had a problem in the large 50’ long x 10’ wide x 30’ deep wet well. A floating blanket of grease and debris, sometimes as thick as 4’, would occur on a regular basis.

The City of San Diego had been contracting two vacuum trucks to clean out the station every 3-4 months at a cost of approximately $50,000-$100,000 per year. As the City has had good experience replacing their clogging Non-Clog pumps with Vaughan Chopper pumps they turned once again to Vaughan Company for a more cost effective solution.

Vaughan Chopper pumps are ideal for use in Pump Stations and Lift Stations as Conditioning Pumps (patented with additional patents pending). When used as a Conditioning Pump a Submersible Vaughan Chopper Pump is fitted with a nozzle to provide high-velocity mixing, and is placed in the problem wet well on a portable stand. The purpose of the Conditioning Pump is to recirculate and chop the contents of the wet well.

Vaughan Add A Conditioning Pump To The MixRecirculating the wet well contents through a Vaughan Chopper pump chops and mixes not only the grease and debris that can accumulate as a floating layer, but also chops and re-suspends heavier debris that can accumulate on the wet well floor. This homogenization of the wet well contents not only prevents buildup of grease/debris in the wet well but also helps to prevent clogging of the non-clog pumps typically used as dewatering pumps for these stations.

For ORPS Vaughan Company selected an 8” Submersible Chopper Pump with a 25 hp 1200 rpm motor with mixing nozzle and portable stand. In 18 months of use with the Vaughan Conditioning pump the wet well has not required cleaning. Based on the cost of the pump and installation the pump paid for itself in 2-1/2 months of use.

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