We’ve previously written about how to Use Your Voice, Build Your Brand and have so much more to say on the topic. Previously we discussed using your voice in marketing, learning from others, and the benefits of public speaking. However, there are other unique and effective ways to your voice. Read on for more tips.
1. How to Stand Out, Find Your Voice, and Not Get Lost in the Shuffle
There is a sea of voices out there. It can be difficult to find yours, so we recommend beginning by starting with your why. What are you trying to accomplish and why? What gives you passion and joy? Be vulnerable about what you do and challenges. This will help get others wanting to hear what you have to say. Followers must believe and trust you in order for you to help solve their problems, so be accurate as you are being open. You may realize there a niche you fit into. For example, my own Empowering Women in Industry was created when I saw the need for women in the industries to have a platform of their own. In a male dominated space, we lose that organic conversation with women so we need to create it.
2. Embrace Social Media
In short, social media is an extension of how you network with people. It offers resources to get to know people, their background, and even what they are looking for currently. Social media is a tool just like any content distributor from television to radio that allows you to share message to a broader audience. LinkedIn is great for professional connects. Be sure to fill out your profile with details relevant to your industry, and you will be rewarded with contacts. Zoom is great for meetings, video chats, and can even be beneficial to your business, your personal health, and it can help you follow the right people.
Not comfortable using social media or don’t have the time? Get a third party to manage your accounts.
3. Give Interviews
As many of you may already know, I love hosting and appearing on podcasts of all kinds to share whatever expertise I can. Everyone involved often finds it a pleasant and satisfying experience, not to mention the knowledge you can bring to the audiences. You may have a friend with a podcast who needs guests. Everyone has a podcast now a days and is looking for guests. Go through your client list to see if anyone is doing so. Don’t be afraid to use a potential client list as well. Find the podcasts, make an offer to appear, and see if they bite. Include why they should use you and the value you can bring. You may even search for podcasts in your industry. The bigger the audience the better, but don’t turn down any relevant option. Worst case scenario, a rarely seen podcast can help you prepare for a bigger one.
If you’re ready, why not start your own podcast? We have done just that with the Empowering Industry Podcasts. We discuss all sorts of relevant topics in a combination of “Let’s Get Social,” “Industry news with EP&E, and “Industry Interview.”
4. Write a Book
You may have the power of a blog, but nothing quite beats a good book. You already have extensive knowledge in your business and may even have a few anecdotes or two. No doubt your colleagues will find it all handy and well worth the price. You don’t have to write a traditional hard cover or paperback book either, although that is on the table. Write anything that properly frames your knowledge from a pamphlet to a downloadable e-book to an entire multi-book set as Michelle Segrest did with her three volume series on Modern Manufacturing.
5. Utilize Mentors and Proteges
You may have the knowledge of your industry, need it, or a combination of the two. Know that there are mentors, proteges, and colleagues of all sorts across your industry. As previously stated, Empowering Brands was built in response to a need for a space for women in the industry. Is there such a need in your place of business? Maybe you are new to your career. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a mentor with experience you need. Maybe you are on the brink of retirement. Is there knowledge you want to share with the next generation? Don’t forget, even those who are leaders in their industry still have learning to do. Once you do reach a leadership position, be sure that everyone under your care is having the chance to be heard. It’s important to have people unlike you in the room to offer a different opinion, perspective, and much more.
6. The Power of Thank You
It’s a hectic time for all of us, but don’t underestimate the impact of a thankful message at the right time. A message of gratitude cannot only make someone’s day but it will make a mark with your contact that can last a long time. And it isn’t just for contacts and clients. Don’t forget your employees, contractors, and more. Did someone you know just win an industry award? Congratulate them and let them know how much their accomplishments mean to you.
Need to hear more tips on using your voice? Click here to listen to our Empowering Women podcast where women who do just that.