September is full of live events for the pump industry! So, it’s the perfect time to embrace the power of the hashtag to reach pump users.
Starting Sept 1st, I will be monitoring the usage of the hashtags #pumptalk with #pumpturbo14 and #weftec14. For simplicity, we are going to use Twitter and Facebook. If you haven’t downloaded the apps Twitter and Facebook on your mobile device, now’s the time! My hope is that this competition will inspire you to engage with these amazing events! Whoever has the most, or most clever, tweets during the month will win an iPad mini. Of course, Bonus points will be given for anyone that includes me
@CharliKMatthews in a tweet! The winner will be announced at our customer appreciation event on Sept 30th.
If your question is, how do I make a hashtag (you are not alone), the answer is simply type the # symbol before your keyword when making a post on Twitter or Facebook.
Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Start now and practice using hashtags: #pumps #engineering #WatersWorthIt (Don’t use these all at the same time!)
- Download the Facebook and Twitter apps to your mobile device
Tweet to others in the pump industry: @EmpoweringPumps, @HIPumps, @FluidSealing
- Make a list of posts you would like to send out this month
- Use a service to schedule these posts
- Use your mobile device to respond or RT promptly
Tweet useful information – Inform others about upcoming events or new products.
I hope you have fun and learn how to better include posting for a live event into your schedule.
Cheers! Charli