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Tailored Disaster Protection: Customized Service Packages for Your Pumps

Netzsch Tailored Disaster Protection: Customized Service Packages for Your Pumps

Tailored Disaster Protection: Customized Service Packages for Your Pumps

By: Netzsch

How NETZSCH ensures that your mobile pump is ready for use in case of emergency

In the world of emergency response, every second counts. Access to firefighting water in remote or inaccessible areas can make the difference between life and death. The TORNADO® mobile, a powerful mobile rotary lobe pump from NETZSCH, has proven to be an indispensable tool in emergencies.

As a global expert in handling complex media, NETZSCH Pumps & Systems offers the optimal solution for pumping water during a disaster or fire. They will show you how to pump firefighting water over a distance of more than 1,000 meters with the TORNADO® mobile and how individual service packages ensure permanent readiness for use.

The mobile pump enables you to pump water over 1,000 meters

While forest fires are increasingly common in rural areas, they often lack the usual hydrants available in urban areas. Conventional water sources cannot be found in the middle of a dense forest or on rough terrain. The solution is to draw water from natural bodies and convey it as quickly as possible to where it is needed. This is only sometimes the case near the source of the fire. In a realistic simulation, the fire brigades of the Traunstein district had to pump water over a distance of more than 1,000 meters with a height difference of 30 meters into a dense forest. This is where the TORNADO® mobile from NETZSCH comes into play.

TORNADO® Mobile with 24/7 service availability for disaster control

The TORNADO® mobile from NETZSCH proved itself in the exercise by pumping continuously for 35 hours over 1,000 meters, including a 30-metre difference in altitude. You can constantly run the mobile rotary lobe pump for up to ten hours without refueling. During the exercise, the pump delivered 7,000 liters of water per minute. The TORNADO® mobile pumped the water from a flowing body into a so-called intermediate basin. The following TORNADO® mobile stood, which transported the water from the basin to the next basin. This was repeated until the water gushed out of the fire hoses at the desired location. The intermediate basins acted as buffers between the TORNADO® mobiles and considerably increased operational safety for the emergency services.

Transporting large quantities of water from one place to another was essential for the people from Traunstein. They also needed to function reliably and without interruption in an emergency. In close cooperation with the disaster control team in Traunstein, NETZSCH developed the appropriate pump solution and a complete service concept. NETZSCH worked out a service concept with the local trusted workshop. A reserve pump is on-site 24/7 to ensure the TORNADO® Mobile is always ready. “We are always in action for our local area, whether in an emergency or during training. Nevertheless, we all hope that the simulated scenarios never become reality. We must ensure that the pumps work immediately and permanently for these emergencies. There must be no start-up difficulties or failures. NETZSCH understood this and offered us a great solution with the service package”, sums up Florian Appelt, head of the public safety and order department in Traunstein.

The TORNADO® T1 rotary lobe pumps convince with the GSS technology, a spatial separation between the pump chamber and gear box.

35 hours of smooth use: Pump proves itself in disaster control

The 35-hour exercise went smoothly, thanks to the high reliability of the NETZSCH pumps. In addition, a team of experts from NETZSCH was on site to assist with any questions. An exercise on this scale had never before been carried out by the fire brigades in Traunstein. “The cooperation with NETZSCH was excellent. During and after the project, they were always committed and worked out an individually tailored pump for the needs of our district. They were even on-site with a team during our training”, says Appelt. Customer satisfaction is a critical success indicator for NETZSCH. The Traunstein disaster control and fire brigades are extremely satisfied with both the high-performance TORNADO® mobiles and the excellent support provided by NETZSCH.

NETZSCH, the global specialist in handling complex media, offers both pumps and holistic solutions. The intensive consultation beforehand aims to find the perfect solution for you, and even after delivery, NETZSCH continues to be available for you on-site for service, maintenance and any inquiries. To NETZSCH, a pump is not just a product but an essential contribution to the solution to your challenge.

Netzsch Tailored Disaster Protection: Customized Service Packages for Your PumpsTORNADO® Mobile
Medium: Water
Capacity: 7.000 l/min, max. 15.000 l/min
Pressure: 3 bar

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