Join us for an ongoing series where Vince, Empowering Pump’s Director of Business Development, brings on guests to teach him technical skills useful for those working in the pump and related equipment industry.
In this episode, Vince talks to Michael Mueller with CP Pumpen, and Trent Cameron from EcoTech.
EcoTech is changing industrial distribution for the benefit of the customer, and CP Pumpen has innovated the best solution for centrifugal mag-drive pumps.
Michael Mueller is from Oberentfelden, Switzerland. He has been with CP Pumpen for almost 10 years and has a passion for CP’s revolutionary product line and the solutions they provide. His background is comprised of engineering and business studies. He is currently working between Switzerland and the USA, helping develop a better support system for CP customers within the USA.
Trent Cameron is the Chief Technology Officer, and Co-Founder, of EcoTech. He has an extensive background in rotating equipment experience and has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. His passion is for people, both helping his customers and being part of building a team that is always focused on they can help one another work towards a greater purpose. He’s helping lead EcoTech to be the Nation’s top industrial distribution partner.
Topics covered include: pumps, mag-drive, zero emissions, bio pumps, reverse-drive principal, solutions, temperature monitoring, secondary containment, sulphuric acid, chemical process pumps. molten sulphur, centrifugal pump self-priming
Empowering Pumps, Lunch & Learn with Vince Playlist…