KSB Australia Pty Ltd is currently involved in one of the most expansive pump projects in the company’s history: Supplying GIW® slurry and KSB process pumps to a new iron ore mining site in northwestern Australia, Hope Downs 4.
In 2011, KSB was awarded the contract to supply the mine’s newest development, Hope Downs 4, with its heavy duty slurry and water pumps. It’s the first project of this size where both slurry and non-slurry pumps have been awarded to a KSB company.
David Tuckwell, Mining Sales Engineer for KSB Australia, explains why providing both slurry and non-slurry pumps offers a unique and beneficial situation for the customer: “As a supplier, we have experts who work in the slurry field and other experts who work with water pumps. Being able to work on both sides of the project is a specialty for us.”
As with any new site, a great deal of thought and engineering expertise goes into creating effectively integrated systems. By being involved in both sides of the pumping process from the ground-up, KSB is able to ensure Hope Downs 4 receives the most reliable, long-lasting mining and processing systems for its needs.
As David explains, this comprehensive involvement has allowed KSB engineers to get the most out of their KSB-supplied equipment: “KSB and GIW are quality pumps with many advantages and our equipment has proven to be extremely reliable.”
In addition to enhanced equipment functionality, the arrangement has been beneficial for the mine in other ways. “It’s been easier for the end-users because they’ve been able to just use one supplier,” David says. “So rather than having to go to different suppliers for water pumps and slurry pumps, we supply the whole package, making it easier for the mine.”
Identifying the right pumps for the job
To ensure the slurry and water pumps are optimal for the mine’s intense iron-ore extraction and wet-processing practices, the KSB team relied on its engineering expertise and GIW’s revolutionary SLYSEL program.
“The SLYSEL program provided by GIW is one of the best slurry pump selection tools in the world,” David says. “It’s a complex program, but it makes our job easy because it’s very comprehensive. It enables us to look at the design of the system and identify the equipment that can go in and run at optimal levels for the application.”
Not only did the KSB and GIW teams look at the technical requirements of Hope Downs 4 mining processes, but they also had to consider its unique environmental factors — the site is 32km northwest of the nearest town and 1250km from Perth. In addition to being isolated, the mine also faces soaring temperatures that average 30-47 degrees Celsius in the summer months.
After deliberation and testing, KSB chose several pumping packages to outfit the mine’s systems. The fire and raw water pump package and sump pump package onsite include a total of 31 pumps. The slurry pump package features 8×10 LSA pumps and LCC pumps. The process water pumping package includes 18×18 LSA pumps, LCC process water pumps, vacuum seal area water pumps, gland water pumps, and waste fines pumps.
Ensuring long-term system success
The entire system is currently undergoing extensive testing before the mine goes into production. “Throughout the process of installing and testing, which is happening now, there’s a lot of optimization that goes on,” David explains. Sometimes the design criteria are different from what the actual pumping conditions at the mine demand. We make sure each individual piece of equipment works well with the rest of the system.”
Testing has been beneficial for the pumping systems at Hope Downs 4 because of the aggressive nature of the iron-ore mining process. The KSB team changed out the wet end parts on some of its pumps from rubber to metal to improve the wear life. When the team realized some of the cloth wash return pumps were seeing more slurry than they were designed for, we were able to fit a bigger wet end quickly. “Because of the interchangeability of the parts, it was an easy upgrade — we can use the same pedestal and change out the parts to increase the flow,” David says.
The Hope Downs 4 project is a testament to KSB’s commitment to long-term customer satisfaction. “It’s important to measure wear on equipment quickly, keep up with ongoing maintenance, and provide 100% customer support,” David says. “It gives the end user satisfaction, results, and confidence in KSB and GIW products as a solution for all their pump and servicing requirements.”
About KSB and GIW
From large treatment plants and mines, to deep water recovery projects, to desalination plants, KSB Australia has become a trusted supplier of pumps, valves, systems, and services. As a fully owned subsidiary of KSB, GIW manufactures, assembles, and services slurry pumps for mining, dredging, and industrial applications worldwide. KSB and GIW combined have more than 130 years of experience in pumps, valves, and hydraulics. Offering 100% Customer Support with offices, sales organizations, and over 30 manufacturing sites in more than 116 countries, KSB has the global presence to deliver solutions wherever you need them. www.ksb.com.au