Knowing your options can make a huge difference
Factory support, knowledgeable service, and OEM upgrades save the day
After 40+ trouble-free years of service, the Eddy Current drive controls on an essential plant water system at Cayuga Power Company (Lansing, NY) experienced fatigue. This led to an emergency service and repair call to Dynamatic. After discussing various approaches, ranging from replacing the main PCB’s with brand new analog PCB’s (yes, they are still available) to a major technology change. It was decided that since the original controls had provided reliable service for over 40 years, the best option was to simply upgrade them. Dynamatic technicians and the power company both agreed on the solution and within 24 hours the team at Dynamatic had delivered and installed three EC-2000 HP digital controllers.
“We were very pleased with his [the technician’s] productivity, knowledge and personable attitude,” said Project Manager, Burt Marker. “He is welcomed back at the station at any time!”
Cayuga Power saved both time and money by simply upgrading the controls instead of switching technologies; in addition, they now have the added benefit of a two-year factory warranty on the new EC-2000 digital controllers.
Dynamatic technicians are knowledgeable in all makes and models of Eddy Current adjustable speed drives, brakes and controls and offer 24-hour phone support, on-site service and training.