A large pulp and paper mill experienced challenges with white water pumps transferring pulp at 1.5% consistency from the couch pit. The pumps were previously equipped with a dual seal, but MTBR was still no more than a few months. The pumps runs at a pressure of 3 barg (43.5 psig) and at a temperature of 65˚C (149˚F).

Chesterton 1510 Cartridge Seal installed on a centrifugal pump.
A Chesterton® 1510 Single Cartridge Seal installed to replace the original double seal with a small flush. To monitor the seal and pump operation, a Chesterton® Connect™ Sensor was installed to measure discharge pressure, temperature, and equipment vibrations.

Chesterton Connect System provides 24/7 seal monitoring through the Connect Cloud.
The Chesterton 1510 Seal ran reliably for the first three months at which point the seal failed. The Chesterton Connect Sensor data showed that failure was due to current operating procedures starting against a closed valve. The customer was able to address this issue in the procedures to avoid future failures and plans to install more 1510 Seals with Chesterton Connect Sensor—to monitor all seals.