TB Wood’s recently introduced the “Specify the TB Wood’s Difference” program to reinforce the many service, support and strength advantages customers experience when specifying TB Wood’s belted drives and couplings.
TB Wood’s offers exceptional service – including fast and accurate quotes, prompt response to customer questions and issues, live-person customer service from associates based in the factory and short lead times.
Superior TB Wood’s customer support is provided by a knowledgeable team of extremely experienced problem solvers that recommend the right solution, the first time, every time, for even the tough applications many competitors can’t handle.
The strength of the TB Wood’s brand is built on best-in-class product design and materials, consistent product quality and complete specification control for enhanced design flexibility.
Visit the TB Wood’s website at www.tbwoods.com or Altra’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/AltraMotion to view a series of short videos that explain the TB Wood’s service, support and strength brand advantages in more detail.