There’s a large scale, open pit Copper mine in the eastern region of Kazakhstan, where it’s quite common for winter temperature to drop below minus 45 Degrees Celsius. The remote location does not receive much rainfall; however, the mine-site still requires a significant dewatering effort – especially after the Winter snow melts.
To control ground water, the mine had been using two old pumps, but they had constantly caused downtime issues. In the winter months, their pumping units were particularly unreliable as the machines couldn’t handle the freezing conditions. This situation was made even worse by a lack of local service support and parts availability.
The team from AllightSykes Dubai visited the mine site to gauge the exact scope of the dewatering requirements. Their investigation revealed that the mine has an average water flow of 50-85 LPS and a head ranging from 90 metres to 140 metres, depending on the final discharge point.
To replace the existing units, two XH150 pumps with Cat C13 engines were suggested by AllightSykes as the most efficient and effective dewaterting solution. In addition, due to the extreme cold over the winter months, they also needed a ‘Winterized package”. This included a tailor made weather proof enclosure, thermal insulation, inline fuel heater, exhaust lagging and block heaters on each of the CAT engines.
AllightSykes worked very hard to meet the client’s special weather proof requirements. Using the considerable engineering experience available to AllightStykes worldwide, they designed and manufactured two fit-for-purpose pumps that are designed to operate in the freezing winter conditions. The AllightSykes Dubai Engineering and Production teams custom-engineered the cold-weather product enclosure, including the use of special thermal-insulating material to handle the severe cold.
Considering that the team in Dubai are usually facing extremely hot conditions (the summer temperature in Dubai can reach 50 degrees), the winterized package was literally out of their comfort zone. However, they were up for the challenge and immediately set to work to solve the issue.
The main challenge they faced was sourcing the inline fuel heaters and the engine block heaters. They found the perfect solution through the AllightStykes local dealer in Kazakhstan who has expertise in winter-proofing this type of machinery. So very conveniently for the mine, the AllightSykes pumps were retrofitted with the special heating units when the pumps reached the Kazakhstan facility.
The mine personnel are very impressed with the pumps supplied and commissioned by AllightSykes, particularly with the special winterized package. They now enjoy an extremely smooth pumping operation. Even more, the local support from the AllightSykes dealer is playing a vital role in increasing mine productivity.
According to the Service Manager at the Copper Mine, the new AllightStykes units have provided trouble-free pumping with no complaints from the operational people. “By providing fit-for-purpose technical solutions in a very timely manner, plus offering easy to access after-sales service, AllightSykes is now the preferred vendor for future pumping requirements” he declared. In fact, to support this claim, the copper mine has just placed a new order with AllightSykes for an additional three XH150 units with the same specification. To learn more about mine spec dewatering, email