The Leaders Innovation Forum for Technology (LIFT) is a multi-pronged initiative undertaken by WE&RF and WEF to help bring new water technology to the field quickly and efficiently.
LIFT brings together the best scientific minds and industry specialists to accelerate adoption of innovative technologies.
LIFT Resources include:
- LIFT Link is an online platform that allows users to discover new water technologies and research needs; connect with others with similar needs, technology interests, and desired expertise; and collaborate on ideas, projects, demonstrations, and implementation.
- The National Water Resource Recovery Test Bed Facility Network and Directory connects researchers, new technology providers, and other innovators in the water resource recovery industry with test facilities appropriate for their needs.
- The SEE IT program provides scholarships to help utilities get a first-hand look at new technologies by visiting peer facilities. Seeing these technologies in action allows visiting representatives to learn about, gain confidence in, and share their experience with others for quicker adoption.
- Academic & Utility Connections – LIFT’s network and program to better connect universities and utilities helps provide guidance and opportunities for educational outreach, experiences, and utility-relevant research that will ultimately result in well-equipped future leaders.
- The MA Toolbox outlines opportunities for WEF Member Associations (MAs) to connect with LIFT and to help expedite new technology adoption in their region.
To learn more about how your organization can get involved and participate in LIFT, contact Jeff Moeller at Visit and to learn more.