A major pharmaceutical company needed “pulse-free” flow at significantly lower speeds than usual in the development of a modular production concept. Individual components would be pieced together based on specific requirements for each drug or product. This called for a wide range of flows and discharge pressures as well as the ability to handle low-to-high viscosity fluids. A gear pump was tested, but proved too inconsistent to meet the challenges.
The company then tried a Hydra-Cell Metering Solutions MT8 pump. With its seal-less, multiple-diaphragm design, the MT8 can handle low-to-high viscosity fluids and provide linear, “pulse-free” flow without the need for expensive pulsation dampeners. The MT8 is also ideal for handling the low flows required at high pressures when needed.
To achieve the modular production concept with a 1000 to 1 turndown ratio, a custom motor with an encoder for closed-loop vector control was built into the system. 18 months after the initial installation, the company placed 10 more MT8 units into production.