AWWA’s scholarship applications are now available online, and they anticipate awarding over $200,000 to 28 students. Since 1985, AWWA has proudly awarded over $2 million to 113 students through the Dr. Abel Wolman Fellowship, Larson Aquatic Research Support Scholarships, Dr. Philip C. Singer Scholarship, and Dr. James K. Edzwald Scholarship. With education costs soaring by 181.3% during that same time, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for students to afford the education they need.
Dr. James Edzwald recognizes the financial challenge and has made a generous $15,000 matching gift to award a $6,000 scholarship at ACE26. He has spent nearly 60 years inspiring and educating thousands of water professionals through his work at the University of Missouri-Columbia, Clarkson University, and the University of Massachusetts, as well as at AWWA conferences.