JKMuir , a successful women-owned and operated engineering and energy consulting firm, is celebrating Engineers Week by allowing Empowering Pumps to highlight their most talented engineering professionals. We had the great honor of talking with several members of the JKMuir team, including Chelsea Conlon, Project Engineer with JKMuir. This is what she had to share:
Q. How did you decide to become an engineer? What inspired you?
Chelsea: Growing up I always loved math and science and I knew I wanted to have a career that had a positive impact on the environment. However, I wasn’t sure what career would allow me to do that. When I got to high school my chemistry teacher encouraged me to look into engineering. After learning more about it I decided it would be best way to use my love for science and math to solve real world problems.
Q. What do you love most about being an engineer?
Chelsea: My favorite part of being an engineer is that every day is different and there are always new challenges so there is never a dull moment.
Q. What advice would you give to the next generation of engineers?
Chelsea: The advice I would give to the next generation of engineers would be to participate in as many clubs and activities as possible. Learning to effectively communicate and work with other people is essential to becoming a successful engineer.
On behalf of the entire Empowering Brands’ team, THANK YOU for your contributions to the Pump Industry! We look forward to keeping in touch with you over the course of your career!