Meet our Industry Person of the Week, Amber Wilborne the Co-Owner of TW Controls.
Q: How did you get started working in your field?
Amber: My family has always been involved in some form of manufacturing and the trades. I tried so hard to steer clear of it and find other fields that might fit. It’s funny that none worked out and I started back in manufacturing when I married my husband who I co-own our business with.
Q: What do you love the most about your job? What are you most proud of?
Amber: The one thing I love most about my job are the people. Their work and backgrounds of how they got into the industry intrigues me. And you never hear the same story. Each one is unique and I love it! I am most proud of the women who are beginning to lead in manufacturing and trades. I use to feel alone in this industry. However, in the last five or so years, I have met some of the most strong, talented, leaders of manufacturing and trades.
Q: What advice would you give to someone considering this line of work or new to the field?
Amber: For anyone considering this industry, I say JUMP IN! And find your community! We are on LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. Ask all the questions. Also look for a mentor no matter your age. Our industry is vast and amazing. I wouldn’t hesitate!
Q: Can you talk about a project you recently worked on?
Amber: Our company specializes primarily in the training field for maintenance technicians in manufacturing offering in person training and online. We build trainers to help those who are just starting out or need a refresher. It is a gift to be able to give continuous “education” or training to the individuals that take a week off from their jobs to attend our training. My favorite part is at the end of the week when everything clicks. It’s not really a “project” but a design that myself and my husband took the time to make sure it would be effective to all who attend our training.
Please connect with Amber on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.