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OverWatch® Overcomes Aging Infrastructure Challenges with Franklin’s Wastewater Technology Upgrade

Industrial Flow Solutions
IFS OverWatch® Overcomes Aging Infrastructure Challenges with Franklin’s Wastewater Technology Upgrade

OverWatch® Overcomes Aging Infrastructure Challenges with Franklin’s Wastewater Technology Upgrade


For more than 40 years, the town of Franklin, MA used a pneumatic ejector system at its lift station to handle wastewater. However, the system reached the end of its operational life, presenting significant challenges. The outdated technology operated with two ejector pots, two air compressors, two air receivers, and separate controls for each component. Maintenance involved regular replacement of drive belts and oil changes for the air compressors, tasks that became increasingly difficult due to outdated technology. Finding replacement parts for the ejector pots became problematic and costly.

As the system aged, it required more frequent maintenance and became increasingly prone to breakdowns, jeopardizing reliable sewage management. Its inefficiencies were worsened by non-flushable items, budget constraints, and potential environmental & public health risks. Faced with escalating costs and frequent operational disruptions, Franklin officials had an urgent need for a long-term solution. Repairing the existing system was economically unfeasible due to high maintenance costs and the scarcity of replacement parts. This prompted the town to seek a robust, sustainable replacement that could seamlessly integrate into their current infrastructure without extensive construction or downtime.


In response to the challenges posed by the deteriorating ejector system, the town of Franklin opted to upgrade to the OverWatch® Direct In-Line Pumping System. This innovative solution offered a maintenance-free alternative that retrofitted seamlessly into the existing infrastructure space. OverWatch was designed to handle wastewater efficiently, featuring advanced capabilities such as solids-passing and self-cleaning mechanisms.

The OverWatch system reduced maintenance needs and eliminated clogging from improperly disposed items such as wipes and rags. Unlike traditional wet well systems with submersible pumps, which required extensive construction for installation, the OverWatch system was retrofitted with minimal construction modifications and was commissioned in the fall of 2023.

Since installation, the OverWatch Direct In-Line Pumping System has operated flawlessly, requiring no unplanned maintenance. The town of Franklin looks forward to enjoying years of uninterrupted service from their upgraded wastewater handling solution.

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