If you’re engaged with the Empowering Pumps & Equipment Community, then you know we shine a light on the awesome people working across industries. Meet our #HVAC Celebrity: Gary McCreadie! Here’s what the HVAC Know It All shared with us:
“I enrolled into an air conditioning and refrigeration course at a local college directly out of high school. My dad was the one who recommended I try out HVAC. After graduating, I handed out many resumes and was hired on at Combined Air Mechanical in Mississauga, Ontario. I’m still at that the same company working as a Licensed Refrigeration Technician and Gas 1 Technician and fast approaching the 20-year mark.
I saw a need for change when it came to how we approach HVAC/R online. There was, in my mind, a need for more positivity and education. I began HVAC Know It All on Facebook back in August 2016. It grew into multiple platforms over time, including HVAC Hub (Facebook group), Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, hvacknowitall.com, Twitter, and the HVAC Know It All Podcast.
My favorite part of my job is dealing with great people and getting to tackle a variety of issues on a wide range of equipment. It’s never a dull day! My favourite part of HVAC Know It All is knowing that what I do is helping technicians in the field and also getting to play with all the new and upcoming tools. I have worked on many projects over the years and learned from each of them. I would have to say my first experience installing a multi-head evaporator VRF system was very cool and very different from the everyday.
I have genuinely enjoyed each and every interview on my podcast, but there are a few that stand out. Brandi Ferenc, a chiller technician in Toronto, brought the fire with her great personality and knowledge of her trade. Jamie Christensen, a tech from Seattle, who opened up about his personal struggles in life and how he overcame them. Then there was Mike Clark, a NY City tech that told some amazing and hilarious stories coming up through the trade.
I am most proud of the HVAC Know It All brand I have built. It’s been a journey of ‘ups and downs’ and many learning curves, but I always knew in my heart that I had more to give. I always enjoyed photography and writing, and felt I could contribute to the industry using my own creativity. I also recently started a clothing store, more of an experimental project at the moment. Check it out at hvacgear.com. The store has tees, hats and hoodies with the various sub brands I have created. No telling at this point which direction it will take me, but I’m willing to let it simmer to see what happens over time.”
On behalf of the entire team at Empowering Pumps & Equipment, Thank you for being one of our #HVAC Celebrities! We look forward to keeping up with you through social media!