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Exploring the Differences: Grundfos 3″ SQ Pump vs. Conventional 4″ Submersible Pump


Exploring the Differences: Grundfos 3″ SQ Pump vs. Conventional 4″ Submersible Pump

By: Grundfos

In this video, Senior Technical Sales Manager, Alan Bixler compares the Grundfos 3″ SQ pump to a conventional 4″ submersible pump to help you determine which one is the better option for your water pumping needs.

First, Alan discusses the differences in design and performance between the two types of pumps. He highlights the unique features of the Grundfos 3″ SQ pump, including its compact size, high efficiency, and low noise level. He also explores the advantages of a conventional 4″ submersible pump, such as its durability and ability to handle high flow rates.

Next, Alan conducts a side-by-side test of the Grundfos 3″ SQ pump and a typical 4″ submersible pump to compare their flow rates, pressure, and energy consumption. He provides detailed results and analysis to help you make an informed decision.

Finally, Alan concludes by summarizing his findings and providing recommendations based on different use cases and preferences.

If you’re in the market for a water pump and want to learn more about the differences between a Grundfos 3″ SQ pump and a conventional 4″ submersible pump, this video is for you.

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