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Frost & Sullivan: 2013 State of the Pumps Industry


Frost & Sullivan: 2013 State of the Pumps Industry

Global economic swings continue to roil regional markets, as was the case in the first quarter of 2013 for the North American pumps market. Traditionally, the first half of any given year outpaces growth in the second half; however, continued volatility in global economies took its toll on pumps in the U.S. and Canada, resulting in lower growth rates during the first part of the year. What are the prospects for the second half, and how can Tier 2 and 3 pump suppliers scout opportunities?

Frost & Sullivan’s latest webinar briefing from the Industrial Automation and Process Control Practice, “2013 State of the Pumps Industry,” evaluates prospects for the industry.  This analysis reveals that pockets of opportunity will exist in a dynamic and competitive market, with emphasis on how smaller market participants can find lucrative seams.  The webinar includes an overview and forecast of major global macroeconomic trends expected to affect the market, as well as insights into significant channel trends, strategic imperatives, and specific points of pump revenue opportunity in key industry verticals.  View the on-demand analyst briefing in the player in the upper left hand section of this page.

For more information on this research, please email Global Research Manager Laurel Donoho at, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country.  Connect with Donoho on Twitter as well@_Laurel_D.

“Small pump manufacturers need to have keen strategic focus to prime consistent growth,” said Frost & Sullivan Senior Analyst Anand Gnanamoorthy.  “The North American pumps market is highly fragmented and competitive – if companies do not innovate and routinely fine tune strategies, they are ‘toast.’“

Major global economies, after a sluggish start to 2013, will gradually gain strength as the year progresses. Outlooks for 2014 are cautiously optimistic, with growth projections in key country economies surpassing 2013. This provides general buoyancy to North American manufacturing and process industries, boding well for pumps demand. Key verticals that will drive growth for pumps include oil and gas, food and beverage, and chemicals.

Agenda for the On-demand Briefing:

  • Economic Overview
    • What’s In Store for 2013 and 2014
    • Global Economy Trends
    • Short Term Trends in North America
    • Pumps Industry Overview
      • Pump Industry Outlook
      • Paradigm Shift in the Pump Industry Landscape
      • Growth Strategies for Small Pump Manufacturers
      • Pump Industry – Short Term Growth Opportunities
        • Pumps Services
        • Chemicals
        • Oil and Gas
        • Food and Beverage

As part of this special outreach, Frost & Sullivan is offering a private Virtual Client Briefing – “Small & Nimble: How smaller, specialized pump manufacturers can capitalize on growth opportunities in North American markets?” This briefing, delivered by Frost & Sullivan’s pump analyst team through a one-on-one webinar with your select team members, provides the opportunity to interact with global analysts during a live Q&A.  All attendees will also receive a copy of the presentation. This briefing is part of a strategic services package designed to maximize interaction and value with our team. This offer is available until July 25, 2013.

Please enjoy the presentation on this page, and contact us to take advantage of this exclusive offer.

Connect with Frost & Sullivan on social media, including TwitterFacebookSlideShare, and LinkedIn, for the latest news and updates.

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