Headquartered in Ansonia, Connecticut, HOMA Pump Technology has served the North American wastewater industry for over 35 years through our network of factory trained and locally committed distributors and service centers. Our 40,000 sq. ft. engineering & test center, workshop, and warehouse facility is fully equipped to help design, build, deliver, and service all your wastewater handling needs quickly and reliably.
Our experienced staff are committed to providing full support; from applications and product selection, to the initial purchase and installation of your equipment, planned maintenance, spare parts sales, replacements and upgrades. For more complex projects and custom product solutions, our German Manufacturing and Technology Center’s electrical, mechanical and hydraulic experts are standing by to assist and innovate.
Downtime is a dirty word, so we specialize in fast deliveries from our over $12M pump and spare parts inventory. 5-7 days is standard lead time for submersible pumps up to 120 HP, with same day delivery possible for emergencies. Retrofit with HOMA, or let us support you with an engineered new installation. Whether your application requires a residential grinder or effluent pump, or you are handling an industrial process stream or municipal wastewater, HOMA builds submersibles that work. Simple. Reliable. Efficient