The DOE issued the notice to formalize its intentions regarding Circulator Pumps which were excluded from the commercial and industrial pump energy conservation standard, recently published in the federal register on January 26, 2016. An initial public meeting has been scheduled for March 3, 2016 from 9:00am to 5:00pm at 950 L’Enfant Plaza, 6th Floor, SW Washington, DC. The ASRAC working group will collect performance and sales data, negotiate and develop scope, test procedure, performance rating metrics and standard performance levels for circulator pumps. The Hydraulic Institute Circulator Pump Committee has been informally negotiating with Energy Advocates and will continue to support the ASRAC working group. To attend the March 3rd public meeting in person email Alternatively, interested parties who are unable to attend the in-person meeting may attend the webinar. To register, visit the DOE webinar registration page.
To learn more about the Appliance Standards federal Advisory Committee, click here.
All ASRAC working group member nomination information should be provided in a single, complete package submitted electronically or postmarked by 14 days after date of publication in the Federal Register. Please send nominations to
For up-to-date information on the DOE regulations for pumps, please refer to the HI website