The American Water Works Association has been named the administrator of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for the International Standards Organization committees on water reuse.
AWWA will take over for the American Society of Plumbing Engineers as the administrator of a technical committee on water reuse and a subcommittee on urban reuse.
ISO’s standards are developed by technical committees comprised of experts from the industrial, technical and business sectors requesting the standards. ISO’s mission is to promote the development of standardization to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services. As administrator of the US Technical Advisory Group, AWWA will coordinate the U.S. position on ISO standards developed on water reuse.
In fall 2015, AWWA and other water sector organizations released the “Framework for Direct Potable Reuse” to assist communities interested in developing sustainable water supplies through water reuse. AWWA also hosted the first International Symposium on Potable Reuse in January 2016. AWWA’s Reuse Resource Community webpage is continuously updated with resources, tools, issues and developments related to reuse.
Individuals interested in volunteering as a water reuse subject matter expert for the ISO standards process should contact AWWA Sr. Manager – Standards Programs Paul Olson.