Like your car, your body and nearly every appliance you own, control valves require regular maintenance to continue working efficiently. However, due to budget and time constraints, we don’t always […]
Rentschler Biotechnologie GmbH has built a reputation in the biopharmaceutical-manufacturing industry by becoming what is known as a contract manufacturing organization (CMO), or one that specializes in creating products for […]
Asphalt pumps typically utilize shaft bearings machined from sintered silicon carbide (SiC) primarily due to the hardness of SiC, which allows the components to withstand wear during the pumping of […]
Sealless pumps use sleeve bearings typically machined from carbon graphite or sintered silicon carbide (SiC). The hardness of these materials allows them to withstand wear during the pumping of aggregate […]
The chemical process industry uses glass-lined equipment due to its corrosion resistance against acids, alkalis, and other chemicals, as well as its smooth, anti-stick surface which allows for easy cleaning […]
If you are wondering what is keeping professionals in the wastewater industry ‘up at night’, this infographic paints a picture of the major concerns. The infographic explains what is believed […]
Several industrial processes, whether it be the refining of petroleum products, manufacture of pharmaceuticals or the treatment of wastewater, may require the use of dangerous or hazardous chemicals. Such hazardous […]
For decades, the U.S. Department of Energy has issued market-changing industrial electric motor regulations to improve efficiency. The most recent rules, which have gone into effect over the past two […]
A Practical Guide to Managing Pipe Stresses and Nozzle Loading by Utilizing Rubber Expansion Joints Pump engineers are justifiably concerned about the damaging effects of high nozzle loading. They […]
There is great emphasis on efficiency in the world today, and the manufacturers and users of adjustable speed drives are certainly not exempt from this concern. Determining the best drive […]
It’s no secret that the use of coatings in valves extends service life and helps improve operational efficiency as part of the pumping system, especially when used in conjunction with […]