Adequate product sealing may improve asset uptime in these difficult-to-seal processes.
A recent analysis of the ethanol industry was carried out by ABF Economics on behalf of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). ( According to this study, in 2019, the industry experienced many economic challenges. Despite this, it contributed 350,000 jobs and nearly $43 million in gross domestic product.
The use of ethanol and other biofuels may help limit the amount of fuel and gasoline used from crude oil, which has a finite supply. Ethanol is also cleaner-burning than gasoline and diesel.

The seal, barrier fluid, and seal tank affect seal effectiveness.
What Makes up Ethanol?
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, ethanol is made from different sugars.
The primary sources are corn, sorghum, and barley. Other sources are:
- Rice
- Sugar beets
- Potato skins
- Sugar cane
- Yard clippings
- Switchgrass
Production Challenges
During the production of ethanol and other biofuels, sealing certain equipment, especially pumps, can be a challenge. The feedstock used becomes thick and sticky. It may adhere to equipment components, including the packing and mechanical seals.
Examples of equipment used in ethanol processes are syrup pumps and evaporator pumps. Failures in most instances were guaranteed before a new solution was discovered.
Seal Solutions
Experiments in the following areas were carried out:
- Mechanical seal choice
- Barrier fluid selected
- The environmental controls setup
After pilot testing and assessments, certain seal technology saw more success in these challenging applications. Selecting one part of this solution was not always effective. Combining the whole mechanical seal system was typically more successful. As with many things involving pumps and other industrial equipment, a systems approach was the true solution to this problem.
Upcoming Webinar Gives More Detail
On August 18 at 11 a.m. Central, Empowering Pumps & Equipment will produce a webinar that details the most effective seal technology and setup and reviews how specialized technology helped an East Coast ethanol plant increase uptime and save money.
Complete the form below to register for the live webinar!
About the Webinar Presenter:
Terry Roberts is the Midwest regional manager for Sealing Equipment Products Company (SEPCO). He has worked in the fluid sealing industry for 20 years. In his role with SEPCO, he provides training, sales support, and solutions to channel partners and their customers. Roberts is also on the technical committee of the International Sealing Distribution Association (ISD). He may be reached at