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Empowering Industry Podcast

Staying Above Water with Eileen O’Neill & Ghassan Korban

Staying Above Water with Eileen O’Neill & Ghassan Korban

Charli had to opportunity to talk with two amazing leaders in this week’s episode.

Dr. Eileen O’Neill is a speaker, writer and the retired Executive Director of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, (US).  Eileen also worked in academia and environmental consulting in the U.S. and in Europe; and is a board chair, associate journal editor, and water innovation advocate.  She will speak about a study conducted for Partnering for Impact (PFI), an initiative she helped found that promotes intentional collaboration to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of solutions that enhance resilience and ecosystem health, while considering the needs of local economies.  Eileen’s report, Staying above Water, Lessons Learned From Water Sector Change Leaders, can be downloaded at no charge from the PFI website here.

Ghassan A. Korban, P.E – Executive Director, Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans. Prior to becoming the Executive Director of the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans in September of 2018, Ghassan Korban served the Department of Public Works for 31 years. During his last eight years, Ghassan served as the Commissioner of Public Works.

In his current role as  Executive Director for the Sewerage and Water Board,  he oversees the provision of clean drinking water, treatment of waste water, and drainage operations for the city of New Orleans. His primary mission is to overhaul the agency’s antiquated equipment and infrastructure, creating a modern utility capable of meeting the needs of its customers.

Mr. Korban is currently a board member of U.S. Water Alliance as well as AMWA. He is also on the Mayor’s Complete Streets Task force in New Orleans.

Mr. Korban received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Construction Management from Marquette University, Milwaukee.  He is also the proud father of four children and a grandson.

Interview @ 7:34

Early Bird is closing next week on Aug 30th for EWII

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