Initially formed by a group of WEFTEC™ attendees who shared a love of music, the Jammin4Water event is an open-mic amateur performance designed to benefit water charities. Now in it’s 7th year, Jammin4Water is now a ‘staple’ in the conference schedule – always planned for the Saturday prior to the WEFTEC™ Conference.
Jammin4Water, a WEFTEC™ tradition that hundreds of people look forward to each year, benefits the WEF Service Project organized by the Students and Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) as well as Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) charities.
The upcoming 2018 plans (September 29) include hosting more than 1,000 early WEFTEC™ conference attendees in New Orleans with two musical stages operating simultaneously. Different genres of music will be performed by amateur artists / water quality professional conference attendees.
While our team will not be on stage performing this year, Empowering Pumps & Equipment is proud to be an Official Sponsor of the Jammin4Water event!