One-third of the world’s population does not have access to safely managed drinking water. We need a solution now! That is why Grundfos introduced SafeWater. SafeWater is a strategic business unit in Grundfos aimed to create a lasting impact by bringing commercially viable and sustainable smart water solutions to underserved communities.
They collaborate closely with some of the world’s leading humanitarian and development aid organizations. Also partnering up with local distributers, service partners, industries, energy service providers, banks and financing institutions, investors and governments. SafeWater predominately operates in East and West Africa, South East Asia and the Middle East – and often in remote locations.
In order to support the entire value chain – they tie together all activities because it is an end-to-end journey. So along with offering pumps and water solutions, they actively work with local delivery, their global footprint, trainings, installation and service. This means support from the moment a water need is identified until a system is in the ground – and still working 10 years later. And this is able to be done through their public and private sectors partners, across sectors and within Grundfos.
By 2030 it is Grundfos’ ambition to have reached 300 million people with drinking water. This is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals 6 and their purpose of pioneering solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges – and to improve people’s quality of life.
They are actively doing this by:
Serving the underserved communities
- Remote villages
- Urban communities
- Farming communities
- Refugee camps
- Small business’s
Solving the challenges of their partners
- Lack of infrastructure
- No economies of scale
- Inaccessible water
- Low technical knowhow
Solving the challenges of their end users
- Inability to pay for water
- Long distances to water sources
- Poor water quality
- Unsustainable water systems
When SafeWater is a part of the solution, you create an impact through commercially viable and sustainable smart water solutions. Read how a close collaboration with them can impact the lives of millions of people.
Read more about SafeWater from Grundfos.