Valves that used to cycle once or twice a year now cycle multiple times a day. High-cycle activity is not good for metal pressure seals. They wear-out, leak or gall and could become one with the valve. It can do major damage to the bonnet cavity and removal can require a chisel, cutting torch or a come-along.
A better alternative is flexible graphite. The VSG pressure seal was designed to cycle over and over and never leak. It’s high density, graphite construction means it’s resilient so it seals every time and rebounds after every cycle.
The VSG will not fuse to valve components, ever. It just lifts out of the valve. So, you’ll never use a cutting torch again. Its compressible and conformable and works in oversize, out-of-round, steam-cut and pitted bonnet cavities without the need for welding, grinding or re-machining.
It’s the perfect retrofit for any metal seal and it’s custom engineered for your exact application, manufactured to our specifications and shipped to you in 48 hours.
EGC is a recognized world leader in the engineering and manufacturing of graphite composites for high-temperature applications in sealing or thermal systems management. The EGC website can be accessed at