The Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) is pleased to formally announce open registration for its 48th Washington Forum,…
Our Industry Person of the Week is Joana Mailharrancin, Hydraulic Design Engineer CEng, at INDAR. Q: How did you get started…
Our Industry Person of the Week is Lauren Heinz. Lauren is a marketing Specialist at Tsurumi America, Inc. Q: How did…
The European Sealing Association, Sealing Devices, and the role of PFAS’s. The European Sealing Association (ESA) represents most Sealing Device…
The INNOVATION FACTORI provides digital innovation for customers, driving AI at enterprise scale Schlumberger expanded its successful INNOVATION FACTORI network with…
Our Industry Person of the Week is Ainhoa Lete. Ainhoa is a Digital Water Entrepreneur & Executive President of BuntPlanet. Q:…
The WateReuse Association (WateReuse) announced the annual Awards for Excellence and President’s Awards today at the 37thAnnual WateReuse Symposium. The WateReuse…
The global push to neutralize carbon-based greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 not only holds great promise for the future…
Our Industry Person of the Week is James Huck. James is the Business Development Manager for Industrial Flow Solutions. Q: How…
Our Industry Person of the Week is Katherine Lynch, HVAC Sales at Fuller Engineering. Q: How did you get started working…
The Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) will hold its Annual Convention and Solutions Expo June 26-28, 2022, at the America’s…