Our team is constantly striving to ensure our clients experience a level of service from us that is as seamless as can be. Recently, our long-standing client, Coates Hire, came to us as their XH100 pump they had acquired from us was completely submerged in water. The damage done from falling over required immediate attention from the bottom up.
The restoration included a new Cat C9 engine, a new radiator, a full pump re-build, a full electrical rewire, a new control panel, skid re-paint and a tank clean and flush, just to name a few of the things that needed attention.
Regional Service Manager West, Darrin Hassett, comments;
“This project was a solid team effort across the board. We had Mechanics, Pump Technicians, Electricians and Fabricators all contributing to ensure the rebuild came to life. We are pleased to say the rebuild was completed safely, on time and on budget. It was a great example of a collaborative approach by the service team. The project was well led by Rob Morland and Spiros Christou. A special thanks to all involved for a successful and positive result.”
Needless to say, the client was pleased with our dedication to customer satisfaction!