Ensuring the delivery of great beer to your glass requires attention to detail at every stage of the brewing process. From carefully selecting the highest quality ingredients to investing in the right brewing equipment, every decision plays a critical role in crafting a remarkable brew.
Tröegs Independent brewing knows this. Started in 1996 by brothers, Chris and John Trogner, Troegs was built by family, friends and kindred spirits who share a love of great beer. Troegs also believes in supporting the community, sourcing local produce from Pennsylvania, as well as 25,000 lbs of local honey and 150,000 lbs of Pennsylvania grown barley every year.
“Tröegs is known for the quality and consistency of our beer. And that comes down to having the right people, ingredients, processes, and equipment in place,” shares Christie Yurkovic, Brewery Experience and Tour Supervisor.
To keep good beer brewing, Troegs turned to ABB after a breakdown of a variable frequency drive on their yeast pitching system a few years after moving into their Hershey, PA location.
Tröegs’ local channel partner worked with them to assess the situation, then recommended they replace the competitive drive with an ABB ACS355 Washdown drives to give them more sophisticated control of the system.
ABB ACS355 Drives are designed for simple and visual sequence programming to make independent and repeatable operation sequences that meet the needs of washdown applications. This feature allowed the Tröegs maintenance team to easily program the drive to control the pump that pitches yeast. ABB Drives are also used to ensure accurate pressure in critical lines such as the Hot Liquor Tank and Centrifuge Feed. Both critically essential in producing great tasting beer.
“ABB drives in Tröegs processes helps us with all aspects of brewing.” states Jason Knox, Maintenance Manager, “Due to the flexibility and simplicity of programming the ABB drives, we are able to use them to make our applications run more efficiently.”
The reliable performance, flexibility, and ease of use of the ABB ACS355 washdown drive has led Tröegs to pick ABB drives when replacing failed drives moving forward.
Reliable technology bringing award winning beer to your glass. We’ll drink to that.